Talent Development Pavilion

The following individuals have graciously offered their time to participate in mentoring, networking, and professional development seminars, at ICSC's Talent Development Pavilion. Their biographical information is included, as well as the events in which they will participate. Questions? Contact Sarah Ritchie, sritchie@icsc.org.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Bob Matias

Bob Matias serves as Senior Vice President of Retail in Equity Inc’s Columbus, OH headquarters. Bob has been a leader in the retail and commercial real estate industry for over 25 years, and has been actively involved in over 20 million square feet of retail transactions throughout his career. This extensive experience allows him to serve the needs of retailers with expertise and market knowledge tailored to their exact needs.  

Bob’s career began with a 17 year tenure at CB Richard Ellis, followed by the establishment of his own company. Throughout his career he has consistently been a top producer, serving national, regional, and local clients. He has created a tenant representation service platform that has extended Equity’s network to all major cities east of the Mississippi River.  

Bob has served three, three-year terms as ICSC State Director for Ohio and is presently an ICSC Ambassador.

Mr. Matias will be available for individual mentoring sessions.

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