Talent Development Pavilion

The following individuals have graciously offered their time to participate in mentoring, networking, and professional development seminars, at ICSC's Talent Development Pavilion. Their biographical information is included, as well as the events in which they will participate. Questions? Contact Sarah Ritchie, sritchie@icsc.org.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Herbert McClary

Herbert McClary is the Foundation’s 2016-17 Fiala Fellow and he has been working diligently with his staff mentor, Cynthia Stewart, and his industry mentor, Ken McIntyre, since last spring. 

His fellowship project is focused on applying the tools being developed in the emerging retail data analytics field to develop a model to determine retail space development opportunities in underserved communities.  The view of his project is that there are imbalances in demand and supply in neighborhoods that haven’t experienced significant commercial development in several decades.  Further, this imbalance can be potential for retail supply expansion.  His goal is to identify these potential development opportunities using empirical evidence by developing a mapping tool overlaid with supply (existing retail square footage) and demand data.   

As part of his fellowship, Herbert gets to participate in three speaking engagements at industry events.

Ms. McClary will present "The ICSC Foundation:  How to Advance your Career & Give Back," on Tuesday, May 23, 9:00 - 10:00 am in the Talent Development Pavilion.

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