Talent Development Pavilion

The following individuals have graciously offered their time to participate in mentoring, networking, and professional development seminars, at ICSC's Talent Development Pavilion. Their biographical information is included, as well as the events in which they will participate. Questions? Contact Sarah Ritchie, sritchie@icsc.org.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Camille Ellison

Camille Ellison’s career began in Corporate Marketing & Sales where she worked for 18 years for Fortune 500 companies such as FedEx, NFL, Oracle, DIRECT/ATT managing million dollar budgets and programs. Concurrently during that time, she got the real estate bug and started slowly investing in real estate. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately in 2011 she was laid off and was at a cross roads as to whether to continue to pursue a career in Corporate marketing or take a path unfamiliar & unknown. Camille chose the latter and got licensed as a real estate agent. 

Her first real estate listing was a million-dollar property in Hancock Park, an affluent area of Los Angeles and after that she hasn’t looked back. After 3 years of being a residential realtor, completion of the REAP LA Commercial real estate program, participation with ICSC, ULI, NAOIP she recently launched her own Real Estate Brokerage company & is the Chief Executive Officer of Ellie B. Ellie B., A Real Estate Company, provides residential and commercial brokerage services. Her purpose and passion is to Inspire Individuals, Empower Businesses and Improve Communities through Real Estate and that just may make her next move into Real Estate Development. She holds a B.A. from The University of California at Berkeley & MBA from the University of Oregon.

Ms. Ellison will participate in the panel  "Game Changers:  Making the Transition to Commercial Real Estate," on Monday, May 22, 11:30 am - 12:00 pm in the Talent Development Pavilion.

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